
Bird Repelling Solid Block Agent (drug-type bird repellent)

An environmentally friendly and pollution-free slow-release biological agent developed to repel birds. This dosage form product does not contain moisture and has the characteristics of being resistant to severe weather. It is suitable for repelling birds in UHV lines and power facilities at high places in converter stations, and will not affect the equipment due to corona.

The bird repelling principle of the wax block bird repellent is also to use the allergic reaction of birds to the physiological aversion mechanism of the active ingredients of biological sources in the sense of smell, so that they can escape and avoid the place of application within the memory period, so as to achieve the purpose of repelling birds. class purpose. The wax block bird repellent has an effective repelling time of more than 300 days and has slow biodegradability.

Scope of use: On transmission towers and utility poles; on substation ground and surrounding greenery. The wax block bird repellant is made of biological source materials, and the application of modern biotechnology is specially used for electric power, high-speed rail land.

Usage Time: It is used in the season when birds endanger power supply facilities and high-speed rail.

How to use magnetic suction: Apply 2 to 3 boxes of bird repellent to magnetic suction reverse suction or side suction) below 50 cm below power transmission towers, utility poles, high-speed rail transmission facilities, and parts prone to bird damage or nesting. The horizontal position of the nesting is almost not as good as the expected effect.

How to place and use: Place a 200g wax block bird repellent on the ground or grass in places or areas where bird damage is prone to occur in substations and high-speed rail lines at intervals of 4 to 5 meters.

Recommended Dosage: For the method of magnetic suction, generally 4 boxes of block jelly are hung on the iron tower. If it is a large iron tower or an iron tower with serious bird damage, it is recommended to hang more than 6 boxes.

Placement method: It is recommended to use 30 pieces of solid wax block bird repellent per mu (667 square meters) (ie 10-20kg per mu), and it can also be increased or decreased according to the severity of bird damage.


It is recommended to start using this product before bird damage occurs. Do not start using this product on rainy days. It is okay to use it in sunny days and then encounter rain. This product is non-toxic and corrosive, harmless to humans and animals, and should not be eaten.

Packaging:  200〜250g/box x45 boxes/carton.

Shelf life:  2 years

Storage:  This product should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry room to avoid contact and accidental ingestion by children.

Product name

Chinese name: Bird repellent gel (medicated bird repellent)
English common name: Biological bird remover (Dispelling bird gel)
Chinese alias: bird repellent, solid block bird repellent, biological bird repellent

Physical and chemical properties

  1. Appearance: Rose red solid soft cube, strong smell.
  2. Melting point (50%Aqueous solution): 54℃〜74℃
  3. Relative density: 0.95〜0.99 g/cm3
  4. PH value (1% water dilution): 7.5~10.5.
  5. Properties: The pure product is a white rose red solid soft cube, which is placed at the bottom and has a diameter of3cmStrong magnet capacity7.5×7.5x5cm3Sides and top cover are hollowed outPPmaterial in a red box.

Properties and stability

  1. Bird repellent gel products are stable under normal room temperature storage conditions, not easy to decompose, non-corrosive, and non-flammable.
  2. Bird repellent will not be adaptable to repelling birds. This microcapsule bird repellent gel has good slow-release effect and repellent effect.
  3. Long lasting; the dosage form product is resistant to high temperature, low temperature, and rain when placed in the box (without dissolved water). It can be magnetically installed on any non-conductive part of the power facility. When it rains, rainwater leaking from the hollow holes will cause damage to the installation.

The parts of the device will not cause any corrosion. After installation, this product will not fall easily due to bad weather such as strong winds and rains, and it can be stably magnetically attached to the device.

On the surface, it is recommended to use forward suction, side suction and reverse suction when installing electrical facilities. This product can adjust the repellent active ingredient formula according to the characteristics of different birds, thereby adapting to the differences caused by the differences between the north and the south.

Differential effects on bird repellence

This product is a microcapsule bird repellent gel. It is a broad-spectrum bird repellent. The product is formulated to target the smell and vision of birds. It is repelled by two physiological properties and can be installed in a high-altitude and humid environment for a long time (more than 10 months).

Conditions of use

Product Name Application Conditions Location of Application
Bird repellent gel
There are no requirements on the weather and environment for application.

Use insulating rods equipped with mechanical clamps to straighten.

Just connect it to the magnet.
Where birds roost, settle, and build nests.

Installed on the cross arm below the position 2 side suction1.

A magnetic suction box for bird repellent gel; positive.

Suitable for installation in substations.
  1. Documents must be provided proving the performance of bird repellents in power systems in the past years (including contracts, invoices, etc.).
  2. Effective bird repellent production and sales certification scope of quality and environmental management system certification must be provided.
  3. The third-party test report and product experiment report of the toxicity test of this dosage form of bird repellent gel must be provided.
  4. Priority will be given to those who can provide national invention patent certificates related to products with this technical specification.

How to use

  1. Use an insulating pole equipped with a mechanical clamp (or other convenient installation tooling) to contain biological bird repellent agents. The magnetic box can be directly mounted on the angle iron cross arm under the area where birds need to be driven away.
  2. According to different climates and seasons, the installation quantity of bird repellent gel magnetic box can be increased or decreased appropriately. spring, summer. Birds have frequent activities during the season, build many and rapid nests, and install an appropriate amount (at least in adjacent locations)
  3. Magnetic box can be placed in radius. A volatile layer (circle) of bird repellent drugs is formed within a radius of about 1 meter, which can effectively repel magpies, white storks and other birds.
Product Application Method Effect
Bird repellent gel
Magnetic attraction for birds to settle on.

Avoid conductive parts below position.
Form a drive in the air catch up.

Birds enter the repellent layer, feel uncomfortable and fly away.


Product Name Dosage Remark
Bird repellent gel
Increase or decrease usage as appropriate according to circumstances.
There are no less than two places where nests are easy to build above the insulator. Install 3 Only (box).

Product specifications and models

Product Name Specification Model Package
Bird repellent gel
45 Only/box

Other Parts

  1. The bird repellent jelly is made of biologically derived natural raw materials that are allergic to the trigeminal nerve of birds. Microcapsule colloidal preparation with release properties.
  2. The product achieves the purpose of repelling birds through the synergistic effect of birds’ vision and smell.
  3. This dosage form product has the characteristics of high content of repellent active ingredients and long effectiveness.
  4. The gel carrier of the bird repellent gel is biodegradable, environmentally friendly and harmless to humans and animals.
  5. Packed as 200g/box, 3Packed in a box with a vacuum bag, strong magnetic attraction≧2000 Gaussian.

Technical Parameters

Serial Number Project Index
Repellent active ingredient wt%

Among them: methyl anthranilate wt%

Water and gel-forming agent wt%
Biodegradation rate (BOD/COD)

Quality Assurance

  1. When this product is unused (unopened), the warranty period is no less than 2 years, as produced within the warranty period. If there is any problem with the product, we can provide a free replacement.
  2. Unused goods within the warranty period will be randomly inspected regularly. If there are quality problems, they must be replaced as soon as possible.

Detailed explanation on the use of special electric bird repellent magnetic box

The power-specific bird repellent magnetic box contains about 200 grams of Bird Escape microcapsule bird repellent jelly. It is a device that is easy to volatilize the effective bird repellent ingredients and install to prevent bird damage from power facilities. It is generally installed in places where birds like to Below the perching and nest building, the smell of the biological raw material bird repellent composition volatilized by the medicine in the magnetic suction box is used to cause an allergic reaction to the trigeminal nervous system of the birds to achieve the purpose of repelling it.

Special magnetic boxes for electric power are installed on power towers and telephone poles in the natural environment of the air. The climate, temperature, installation method and quantity have a great impact on the repelling effect. Analyzing from the principles of high-altitude air flow mechanics, repelling birds It is important to choose the forward suction, side suction and reverse suction methods of the magnetic suction box according to the actual conditions of the installation site.

Method one, positive suction installation method:

The bird repellent magnetic box is placed with the hollow side facing up, and the magnet is attached to the third side of the cross arm of the power facility.

A method above the angle iron plane, as shown in the figure:

This positive suction installation method is suitable for birds to perch on iron towers and telephone poles and build nests underneath.For installation within 50 centimeters, if the ambient temperature is higher than 10°C, the effect can be achieved by installing one magnetic box. If the ambient temperature is lower than 10°C, install at least two. The positive suction installation in the horizontal position of the nest has almost no repellent effect.

Method two, side suction installation method:

The bird-repelling magnetic box is to have the hollow side facing outward, and the magnet is attached to the triangle of the cross arm of the power facility.

There are two magnetic attraction methods on the side of the iron, as shown in the picture:

This side-suction placement method is close to the places where birds roost and build nests on iron towers and telegraph pole cross-arms to prevent the upward volatilization of active ingredients from causing discomfort to the birds at any time. When the ambient temperature is below 10°C, it is best to install both side suction methods at the same time to achieve a satisfactory repellent effect.

Method three, back suction installation method:

The bird repellent magnetic box is placed with the hollow side facing down, and the magnet is attached to the triangle of the cross arm of the power facility.

A magnetic attraction method below the iron plane, as shown in the figure:

This back-suction installation method, like the side-suction installation method, is close to the places where birds perch and build nests on iron towers and telegraph pole cross arms. It prevents the upward volatilization of active ingredients and can be felt by birds at any time. The uncomfortable effects it produces. When the ambient temperature in winter is below 10°C, it is recommended to install two magnetic boxes at the same horizontal position within 50 cm of each other.

There are three installation methods for bird repellent magnetic boxes. After more than three years of practical application, the most effective one is the backward suction installation method, which can last for more than ten months, followed by the side suction method, which can last up to eight months. As mentioned above, the shortest timeliness of the positive suction method can reach about half a year.